Solar Power: More Than Just a Tax Break

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One of the biggest perks you’ll enjoy with your solar-powered system is a tax break. In fact, in 2020, you can earn a credit of 26 percent of your installation costs on your federal taxes. This is all thanks to the Investment Tax Credit, also known as the Federal Solar Tax Credit. But, there are so many other benefits. Once you know about them all, you simply won’t be able to put off calling a solar consultant any longer. 

Reduce Your Power Bill to Almost Nothing

At Aurora Energy, we strive to get your household or business to Net-Zero, meaning that at the end of the year, your power usage versus your energy production should even out. This doesn’t mean you’ll never receive a power bill again. Some months your statement will show you used more energy than you produced while others the power company may end up giving you credit. Either way, the future is bright while the utility bill stays low.

Almost No Maintenance

Not including unforeseeable circumstances like storm damage, solar power panels can go 25 to 30 years with nothing more than a regular rinsing off.

Protection Against Rising Energy Costs

Once you’ve invested in a solar energy system, you no longer have to fall victim to a surprising rise in power costs. 

Take Care of the Environment

You can rid the world of up to three to four tons of carbon emissions annually by living in a residence with a renewable resource. This is equivalent to planting 100 trees in a year. Not only do you save your pocketbook, but you also help save the planet. 

Everyone loves a good tax break, and as you can see, you’ll be getting a lot more back with your investment. Contact Aurora Energy today for a quote and let one of our expert consultants start you on the road to savings!


More To Explore

One of the biggest perks you’ll enjoy with your solar-powered system is a tax break. In fact, in 2020, you can earn a credit of 26 percent of your installation costs on your federal taxes. This is all thanks to the Investment Tax Credit, also known as the Federal Solar Tax Credit. But, there are so many other benefits. Once you know about them all, you simply won’t be able to put off calling a solar consultant any longer. 

Reduce Your Power Bill to Almost Nothing

At Aurora Energy, we strive to get your household or business to Net-Zero, meaning that at the end of the year, your power usage versus your energy production should even out. This doesn’t mean you’ll never receive a power bill again. Some months your statement will show you used more energy than you produced while others the power company may end up giving you credit. Either way, the future is bright while the utility bill stays low.

Almost No Maintenance

Not including unforeseeable circumstances like storm damage, solar power panels can go 25 to 30 years with nothing more than a regular rinsing off.

Protection Against Rising Energy Costs

Once you’ve invested in a solar energy system, you no longer have to fall victim to a surprising rise in power costs. 

Take Care of the Environment

You can rid the world of up to three to four tons of carbon emissions annually by living in a residence with a renewable resource. This is equivalent to planting 100 trees in a year. Not only do you save your pocketbook, but you also help save the planet.  Everyone loves a good tax break, and as you can see, you’ll be getting a lot more back with your investment. Contact Aurora Energy today for a quote and let one of our expert consultants start you on the road to savings!  

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